A Used Cars Guide: How To Get Your Test Drive Right

driving car
Purchasing used cars may not be everyone’s cup of tea, especially because of the fear and stigmas associated with purchasing second-hand. While there are certain risks, investing in a used car only requires careful planning and strategy. 

A test drive is one of the best ways to ensure you’re getting value for money, as this will help you understand if the car has what you’re looking for. Testing a used car allows you to answer specific questions, particularly when it comes to your comfort and the car’s capabilities. 

Looking for faults is paramount to the transaction’s success, but a test drive also allows you to see if the car suits your needs. Here are some tips to consider as you approach the test drive day process: 

Tip #1: Prioritize your comfort 

On the day of the test drive, remember that you’re purchasing the car as an investment. In other words, comfort must be the key to your decision. Slowly settle into the driver’s seat, taking time to adjust the steering wheel’s distance from the seat, as well as the height. Checking the mirrors is also important, as well as the state of controls. 

Pedals, signals, and shifters must all be in good working order. Although you may be tempted to, make sure to keep the radio off to avoid unnecessary distractions. You need to focus, especially since the test drive will make or break your purchase decision.

Tip #2: Take as much time as you need 

The seller or dealer will likely be talking to you the entire time, eager to cut the test drive short. This is understandable, but make sure you don’t let the conversation affect you. You’re the one making the investment and taking the gamble, so never rush the process. 

Drive for at least 30 minutes for the best results, as this will allow you ample time to notice things you do not like. You may notice the steering wheel getting a little too hard to maneuver, or perhaps the brakes squeaking whenever used. You’ll be driving this car for the next couple of years—are these characteristics you’re willing to work with?

Tip #3: Listen to noises 

As previously mentioned, make sure to turn off the radio as you test the car. You’ll want to listen to the car intently, taking extra care to notice any squeaking, knocking, grinding, and even rattling. 

Bear in mind that these odd noises shouldn’t be present in a pristine-condition car, so hearing them should be a cause for concern. Driving slowly in narrow streets won’t let you hear much, so make sure to go for a highway drive. 

Work With The Best Used Cars Autotrader

Once you’ve finished your test drive, the final step would be to decide. The entire process should have helped you solidify how the car makes you feel, and if it’s the right one, you’ll be confident enough to seal the deal. Don’t hesitate to negotiate either, especially if you find a few fixer-uppers. As you prepare for your test drive, remember that used cars can still be entirely valuable—as long as you know what to do!

For the best used cars for sale in New Hampshire, Lewis Motor Sales has you covered. We offer you only quality and affordable deals, all guaranteed to ensure you gain value for money. Get your new ride with the most trusted today!